Bence Nanay
2014-10-24 21:39:13 UTC
Third Annual Essay Prize at the Centre for Philosophical Psychology, University of Antwerp
Topic: Unconscious perception in (contemporary, analytic) philosophy of perception.
Eligibility: The Essay Prize is open to those who received their PhD after May 2006 or who are PhD students.
Length: 3000 words. Single spaced!
Deadline: November 1, 2014. Essays should be sent, suitable for blind refereeing, to ***
Prize money: 2,000 Euros. The author of the winning essay will be invited to give a presentation at a major workshop on unconscious perceptionsome time in Spring 2015 at the University of Antwerp.
Publication: We have an agreement with the Journal of Consciousness Studies that they would publish the winning essay(s) (if the author is interested).
More info:
Bence Nanay
Professor of Philosophy and BOF Research Professor (ZAPTTBOF)
Centre for Philosophical Psychology
University of Antwerp
D 413, Grote Kauwenberg 18,
2000 Antwerp, Belgium
Tel: +32 32654340
Senior Research Associate
Peterhouse, University of Cambridge
Cambridge, CB2 1RD, UK
Recently published: Bence Nanay: Between Perception and Action. Oxford University Press, 2013
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Topic: Unconscious perception in (contemporary, analytic) philosophy of perception.
Eligibility: The Essay Prize is open to those who received their PhD after May 2006 or who are PhD students.
Length: 3000 words. Single spaced!
Deadline: November 1, 2014. Essays should be sent, suitable for blind refereeing, to ***
Prize money: 2,000 Euros. The author of the winning essay will be invited to give a presentation at a major workshop on unconscious perceptionsome time in Spring 2015 at the University of Antwerp.
Publication: We have an agreement with the Journal of Consciousness Studies that they would publish the winning essay(s) (if the author is interested).
More info:
Bence Nanay
Professor of Philosophy and BOF Research Professor (ZAPTTBOF)
Centre for Philosophical Psychology
University of Antwerp
D 413, Grote Kauwenberg 18,
2000 Antwerp, Belgium
Tel: +32 32654340
Senior Research Associate
Peterhouse, University of Cambridge
Cambridge, CB2 1RD, UK
Recently published: Bence Nanay: Between Perception and Action. Oxford University Press, 2013
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